Praise for How Wikipedia Works

“To write every day is good advice, but, to publish every day is even better. This book shows how your casual scholarship and the Wikipedia community work together so that you can be read tomorrow.”
—Ward Cunningham, creator of the wiki

“This wonderful book resolves Wikipedia’s paradox: Anyone can edit it, but to make your edits stick, you need to know what you are doing. Editing Wikipedia means navigating a minefield of implicit norms, tacit knowledge, secret lore, sug gested policies and enforceable regulations.”
—Barry Wellman, director of Netlab, University of Toronto

“As Wikipedia has grown, its processes, policies, systems, and tools have become inscrutable to many existing and would-be editors. How Wikipedia Works provides an accessible window onto these processes and thoughtful tour through the maze of Wikipedia policy pages. It’s the thoughtful, comprehensive, and freely licensed manual that I’ve been waiting years for. Wikipedia would be much improved if every Wikipedia editor, new and old, were given a copy.”
—Benjamin Mako-Hill, free software activist, hacker, and scholar

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